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Yantlet Beach

Allhallows 2.2 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Песок с галькой • Бирюзовая вода • Сильный отлив
1 Инфраструктура

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Yantlet Beach
10 SunnyBarcelona

This is a fantastic walk starting from Allhallows. The London Stone marks the entrance to Yantlet Creek on the Grain side. You'll enjoy stunning views across the Thames to Southend and Shoeburyness. The tranquility and abundance of wildlife along the way are truly blissful, with many land and sea birds to observe. Be cautious around cattle, especially if they have calves. Unfortunately, you can't walk all the way around the coast to Grain village due to a restricted area, which is marked on an OS map. However, you can head in the other direction and walk to Gravesend, which is at least 10 miles away. At the entrance to Yantlet Creek, you'll find large banks of shells that resemble sand, with patches of clay mud. The creek extends a good distance inland and is too wide to cross. It might be possible at low tide with boots, but avoid the mud. Historically, this creek is what made the Isle of Grain an island. As it approaches the Grain road before the Power Station, the creek narrows into a ditch. Use an OS map to navigate public footpaths. The entire area consists of farmland, a no-go zone (MoD range), and land belonging to the power station.