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Для релакса

Playa el Torno

San Cibrao 0.4 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Кристальная вода • Многолюдно
6.7 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Praia Da Area

Area 0.3 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив
4.5 Инфраструктура
Для туристов с животными

Praia da Marosa

Daian 1.2 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив
3.1 Инфраструктура

Praia Gaiosa

San Cibrao 0.4 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Кристальная вода • Многолюдно
3.2 Инфраструктура

Praia de Seiramar

Covas 0.4 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив • Дно песок с камнями
3 Инфраструктура
Для любителей шумного отдыха

Playa de Covas

Covas 1 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Белый чистый песок • Бирюзовая вода • Дно с мелким песком
2 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по O Carballo's beaches

Playa de Covas
10 Maria Hernandez

This time I visited the beach during the night and it was a very pleasant experience. The temperature was perfect and the beach was quiet and not overly crowded. What made it particularly special was the white, fine sand - it was a very nice walk both day and night.

Playa de Esteiro
8 Juan Diego

The views at this beach are spectacular and it's a really charming spot. Make sure you bring your surfboard when you come to visit!

Praia de San Roman
8 Miguel Angel

Stunning! This beach is a true sight to behold!

Playa Abrela
10 James Anderson

This beach is absolutely charming, tucked away from the crowds and featuring a gentle river that gracefully merges with the shoreline. Right behind the beach, there are lush woods with well-maintained walkways. It's a stunning location that is typically devoid of people, except for the occasional sight of surfers catching waves or a solitary individual enjoying a leisurely stroll with their furry companion.

Praia de Lago
8 Ionuț Petre.

Praia de Lago is the perfect spot for families, with its fine sand and lack of waves making it ideal for children. It's easy to access and located in a port and industrial area, with plenty of amenities to make your day out even more enjoyable.

Praia de Sacido
6 Miguela García-López

That place looks like a paradise, but such a shame that it's off limits. The sign warning of danger due to erosion makes it impossible to use, and it's unclear why the problem isn't being fixed. Such a pity that I can't enjoy it.