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Playa Ensenada Blanca

Ensenada Blanca 2 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Золотистый песок • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив
6.8 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Playa Ligui

Ligui 1.4 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Песок с галькой • Кристальная вода • Пустынно
1 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Ligui's beaches

Playa Ensenada Blanca
10 Denis L.

The beach is located in a picturesque bay near highway 1. Although the hotel staff wasn't very helpful in providing information on how to reach the beach, don't give up because there is a public parking lot and easy access to the entire beach.

Playa Ligui
10 Vera Lessard

This stretch of sand and sea is indeed visually striking, but let's not forget that beauty is only skin deep. Despite its allure, this beach is a ghost town during the chilly month of February in 2023. It's almost as if the locals know something we don't. Perhaps the frigid temperatures and biting winds are not the best companions for a leisurely day by the water. Regardless, if you're looking for a deserted and windswept beach, this may be the spot for you.