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Для релакса

Papes baka

Pape 0.5 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Бирюзовая вода • Песчаное дно
3 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Aulaukio Baltija

Pape 2.5 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Бирюзовая вода • Паркинг > 100м
0.5 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Pape's beaches

Papes baka
10 Zylix

This place is definitely worth a visit. If you're traveling in a motor home or camper, there's a great parking spot with a toilet and lighting, where you can spend the night listening to the sound of the sea.

Aulaukio Baltija
10 Fiona Sorenson

This beach is absolutely fantastic for anyone who has an interest in birds, bats, or nature in general. If you happen to spot birds caught in the traps, you can observe them being tagged, and getting an up-close view of these birds is truly an incredible experience. The staff members are not only pleasant to be around but also incredibly knowledgeable about fascinating animal facts. Additionally, they offer a stunning selection of postcards and really cool pins that you can purchase. I would definitely give this place a perfect score of 10 out of 10 and would love to visit again in the future!