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Для детей

Tuoro Beach

Macerone 1.1 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Бирюзовая вода • Песчаное дно
8.3 Инфраструктура
Для туристов в возрасте

Sualzo Beach

Passignano sul Trasimeno 0.9 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Кристальная вода • Многолюдно
7.3 Инфраструктура
Для туристов в возрасте

Lido del Carabiniere

Castiglione del Lago 0.9 км
Очень хороший
Широкая free зона • Пляжный курорт • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив
7.3 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Castiglione del Lago

Castiglione del Lago 0.9 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Бирюзовая вода • Песчаное дно • Сильный отлив
5.2 Инфраструктура
Для детей

Spiaggia Badiaccia

Badiaccia 0.5 км
Отельный • Отельный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Зелено-синия вода • Сильный отлив
8.3 Инфраструктура

Area Verde Pidocchietto

Passignano sul Trasimeno 0.2 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Бирюзовая вода • Дно песок с галькой • Прокат оборудования для пляжных активностей
5.1 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Pietraia's beaches

Sualzo Beach
6 Aria Sanchez

The beach was lovely and the staff at the bar were very friendly. However, I personally found that there was a bit too much vegetation in the water for my liking.

Lido del Carabiniere
10 Lila Everhart

The staff is kind and attentive to all types of requests. The place is very clean and tidy. Highly recommended.

Castiglione del Lago
10 Lila Myers

The campsite is truly delightful, with its cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The breathtaking lake views are absolutely magnificent, making it a delightful sight to wake up to. Additionally, the campsite is conveniently located right by the cycle path, in proximity to a charming little town and a newly built swimming pool. If you prefer intimate and simple campsites that are in touch with nature, then this is the perfect spot for you. The only drawback is the absence of baby changing/bathing facilities and toilet paper.

Area Verde Pidocchietto
8 Lena Marconi

Этот пляж отличный.

Sastiglione del lago spiaggia
8 Nico Rossi

The beach is located along a spacious and shaded lake, perfect for spending the day. Unfortunately, there are no picnic facilities and during this season, there is a lot of white pollen in the air. It's a fantastic spot for summer outings, with plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. The only downside is its proximity to a dog training center, which can sometimes be noisy with barking.

Tuoro Beach

Tuoro's shoreline offers a stunning landscape, one of the embarkations to Lake Trasimeno's islands. The area is well-maintained, though the pier could be better. You can take a peaceful stroll, admiring the gorgeous sunsets and observing the diverse wildlife.