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Для туристов в возрасте

Porto Di Salerno

Vietri sul Mare 0.5 км
Очень хороший
Широкая free зона • Пляжный курорт • Легкий доступ • Темный песок • Синяя вода • Многолюдно
6.7 Инфраструктура
Для туристов в возрасте

Vietri beach

Marina di Vietri 0.2 км
Очень хороший
Пляжный курорт • Легкий доступ • Темный песок • Кристальная вода • Узкая free зона • Многолюдно
7.8 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Spiaggia del Macello

Bisceglie 0.8 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлая галька • Кристальная вода • Очень многолюдно
6.8 Инфраструктура

Lido Colonna

Трани 2.2 км
Очень хороший
Пляжный курорт • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Кристальная вода • Узкая free зона • Очень многолюдно
8.3 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Spiaggia di Trentova

Agropoli 2.1 км
Очень хороший
Пляжный курорт • Легкий доступ • Синяя вода • Узкая free зона • Песок с камнями • Многолюдно
7.8 Инфраструктура

Spiaggia La Salata

Bisceglie 1 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлая галька • Кристальная вода • Многолюдно
5.7 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Avigliano's beaches

Torre Calderina beach
8 Alessia Rossi.

The beach is a great spot that exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. Their pizzas are both delicious and distinct, making them a must-try. I highly suggest giving this place a visit, but don't forget to make a reservation beforehand.

Litoranea di Ponente
5 Emilio Dilorenzo

Principali aspetti positivi: - le dimensioni, poiché la spiaggia si estende parecchio in lunghezza e larghezza - l'ingresso in acqua molto graduale - la presenza di diverse strutture turistiche come stabilimenti balneari, bar e ristoranti che tuttavia lasciano parecchio spazio alle zone libere - molto frequentata anche di sera Punti negativi: - sabbia polverosa che rende il mare opaco - acqua non limpida in alta stagione - la città non è lontana, ma la gran parte delle persone preferisce raggiungere la spiaggia in auto

St. Teresa beach
1 Fiona Murray

This could be a lovely beach if it was cleaned, there's rubbish and cigarette butts and broken glass everywhere. Not safe for children to play on because of the broken glass. Also big issues with the guy who takes the money for the beach chairs, today he constantly kicked football with his friends, around the people that had paid him to lie on the sunbeds. Twice, the football struck people lying on the beach and he had his friends were aggressive when asked to stop or to move somewhere else. Avoid, there are nicer beaches in the area!!

Costa del mito
6 Gloriana

We were initially worried about our holiday due to the numerous negative reviews. The village itself is a bit outdated and the accommodations are old-fashioned, but they are still functional. The bungalows have ceiling fans, although we didn't need to use them much because the evenings were usually cool. The resort is built on terraces that slope down to the sea, providing a beautiful panoramic view. However, it may be uncomfortable for elderly individuals and families with small children in strollers. The beach has both a sandy area, which we didn't particularly like, and a lovely pebble side. Sea shoes are necessary! They also have a designated beach area for dogs. Once you pass the cliff, the sea is absolutely wonderful, and the resort provides free kayaks for guests to use. The shuttle service is a bit outdated, but it is still very efficient. There are entertainment options for children and the staff is welcoming and friendly. Overall, it offers good value for money compared to other places in the area, but if you're looking for a top-notch resort, it's best to look elsewhere.

Spiaggia Della Tragara
8 Gloriana

Now the place looks nothing like the pictures in the reviews. The pathway has been revamped, and a man-made beach has been constructed with white and quite jagged rocks (wearing shoes is advised). The ocean remains stunning despite a large amount of seaweed washing up on the shore in the afternoon.

Agnone Beach
2 Nico Delgado

We made a reservation for a table for two on August 15th, five days ago. We received notification of availability and price, and we accepted. However, instead of receiving a phone call, we were informed through WhatsApp that the table had been given to others who had booked before us. This lack of organization and incompetence from the managers left us without a place on the eve of mid-August. We should have questioned their practices the previous year when we were charged an illegal surcharge on our card payment. Despite this, Cilento remains a beautiful place, but some individuals should not be allowed to work with people. It would be beneficial if the authorities conducted more thorough checks, perhaps at the end of the evening.