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Praia da Armação

Sertao do Ribeirao 4 км
Очень хороший
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7.8 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Praia do Rio das Pacas

Praia dos Acores 1.5 км
Очень хороший
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5 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Praia dos Acores

Praia dos Acores 0.2 км
Очень хороший
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5 Инфраструктура
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Praia do Matadeiro

Praia dos Acores 4.1 км
Очень хороший
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7.8 Инфраструктура
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Praia de Cima

Caieiras da Barra do Sul 8.1 км
Очень хороший
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7.8 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Praia da Lagoinha do Leste

Praia dos Acores 4 км
Очень хороший
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Золотистый песок • Сложный доступ • Сильный отлив • Горная тропа > 1км
2.1 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Caieiras da Barra do Sul's beaches

Praia do Matadeiro
10 Alfredo da

This stunning beach is a true gem, tucked away in a secluded spot that provides a sense of peaceful isolation. It's the perfect destination for anyone seeking a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The breathtaking vistas that stretch out before you are simply awe-inspiring, and the whole experience is sure to leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and refreshed. Whether you're looking to unwind with a good book, soak up some sun, or simply take in the beauty of your surroundings, this beach is an absolute must-visit.

Praia de Cima
10 Jiahui Chen


Praia da Lagoinha do Leste
6 Laisa Nelleh

This beach is a treacherous trek to reach, tucked away like a forbidden paradise. Your only options are to brave the steep and claustrophobic trail from Pântano do Sul, where you'll be huffing and puffing for 35 minutes straight, or take the longer, but still grueling, 2.5 hour hike from Praia da Armação. The latter may have some nice views, but don't forget to bring enough water and sunscreen to survive the journey. But let's be real, the only reason anyone would even attempt this arduous journey is for the bragging rights of making it to the beach. And sure, the scenery may be nice, but is it worth the sweat and tears? Once you finally arrive, you'll be greeted with a beach that's just like any other. The only thing that sets it apart is the smug satisfaction of knowing that you made it there.

Praia de Naufragados
10 Mitchell Morgan

This beach is the best in the region! However, getting here requires a 45-minute hike that can be a bit steep and challenging if you're not used to it. Once you arrive, you'll be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the southernmost point of the island and the Brazilian coast. The sea is relatively calm and safe for swimming, and there's also a shallow, crystal-clear river teeming with fish. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even climb up the rocks to the West and take another short hike to enjoy a stunning panoramic view.

Praia Ponta Do Papagaio
8 Yara Faisal

When we went in early January, the water at the beach was chilly, but it didn't detract from the amazing experience. The beach is actually comprised of two separate beaches that converge at a certain point. The atmosphere is really pleasant, and there's a perfect spot to relax under a tree. If you happen to be in Palhoca, I highly suggest paying a visit.

Praia do Sonho
10 Nayak Kishankumar
