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6.5 Инфраструктура
Для туристов в возрасте

Praia do Outeiro

Outeiro 1.2 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Очень многолюдно • Сильный отлив
4.4 Инфраструктура
Для туристов в возрасте

Praia do Murubira

Mosqueiro 5.8 км
Свободный вход • Оборудованный пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Многолюдно • Сильный отлив
4.4 Инфраструктура
Для релакса

Praia do Bispo

Mosqueiro 0.6 км
Свободный вход • Дикий пляж • Легкий доступ • Светлый песок • Бирюзовая вода • Сильный отлив
1 Инфраструктура

Последние отзывы по Fama's beaches

Praia do Bispo
10 Xavier Cruz


Praia do Murubira
10 Marceau-Piconi Eden


Praia do Chapeu Virado
8 Solunica

During my teenage years, I resided in Belem with my father who frequently traveled for work in the oil industry. One weekend, we decided to venture off to Mosqueiro, which we later renamed "Mosquito." Although I cannot recall the name of the beach we visited that was further from Belem, it was adorned with stunning beaches and sand dunes. Beyond the sand dunes, we discovered dark colored freshwater lakes that my friends affectionately referred to as "Coca Cola Lakes" due to their unique water color. If I ever come across this beach again, I would love to retire there, as it felt like a true paradise to me. As luck would have it, I eventually found the beach, and it was none other than Salinas.

Praia do Outeiro
10 Tori Mela

an even more enchanting destination. The atmosphere is pleasant, and the overall experience is enjoyable.